Perspectives in Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship & Society by Urban, B ed

Perspectives in Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship & Society by Urban, B ed

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ISBN 9780796225887

Publisher: Pearson 2017

270 pages

Soft cover

The series Perspectives in Entrepreneurship: A Research Companion reflects the rigorous research conducted in the growing field of entrepreneurship internationally, and provides an authoritative overview of specialised themes in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is often associated with facilitating national economic growth, employment creation and with the redirection of national institutional infrastructure. In emerging markets, the interplay between individual entrepreneurs and environmental mechanisms is important as it is often recommended that institutional conditions need to be strengthened before entrepreneurship can flourish. Highly selective policy measures are required to address different target populations and put in place effective measures to increase entrepreneurship in emerging markets, where the quality of high-growth entrepreneurs is crucial. Entrepreneurship and Society offers several chapters that examine, in detail, contemporary issues relating to the nexus of entrepreneurship and society. Integrative case studies are included in this book to provide an application of the different concepts presented throughout the series. Topics in this volume include emerging economies and entrepreneurship, indicators of entrepreneurial activity, the internationalisation of entrepreneurship, reflections on the informal economy, public sector entrepreneurship, and sustainability entrepreneurship. Each book in the series provides a valuable knowledge base for researchers, educators, third year and postgraduate students, SMME consultants, policy makers and service providers.