Remembering the Rebellion : The Zulu Uprising 1906 by Jeff Guy
ISBN: 9781869141172
University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2007
Paperback, 230 pages
Remembering the rebellion narrates and commemorates the Zulu or Bhambatha rebellion of 1906 with riveting anecdotes, maps and illustrations, many of them previously unpublished. The people of KwaZulu-Natal, already suffering the material and social consequences of colonialism, were further provoked by the imposition of a poll tax and the official determination to treat all protests against the tax as defiance. The resistance that followed was put down with uncompromising violence - but the memory of rebellion became an inspiration to those who continued the struggle against racial exploitation in South Africa. This is the centenary year of the rebellion. When President Thabo Mbeki bestowed National orders on 28 South Africans recently, the order Mendi for bravery in Gold was awarded posthumously to Bhambatha Ka Mancinza Zondi for his bravery in leading a rebellion against the repressive laws of the colonialist government and for laying down his life for the cause of justice.