Statistics for Business & Economics by Anderson et al
ISBN 9781473726567
4th edition
Publisher: Cengage 2017
613 pages
Soft cover
Statistics for Business and Economics provides a clear overview for students across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This textbook provides students with regional and relevant examples and case studies throughout to give context to the ideas discussed. Statistics for Business and Economics features method and application-based problem sets throughout. Accompanying data files are available on the online platform, available in SPSS, MINITAB and EXCEL formats. Data sets for all case problems as well as data sets for larger exercises are included.Statistics for Business and Economics provides a clear overview for students across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This textbook provides students with regional and relevant examples and case studies throughout to give context to the ideas discussed. application-based problem sets throughout. Accompanying data files are available on the online platform, available in SPSS, MINITAB and EXCEL formats. Data sets for all case problems as well as data sets for larger exercises are included.