The Charaxinae Butterflies of Africa by Stephen-Frank Henning
ISBN: 9780620128117
Aloe Books, 27 October 1999
Hard cover, 457 pages
THE CHARAXINAE BUTTERFLIES OF AFRICA is the first comprehensive book on the spectacular butterfly genera Charaxes, Palla and Euxanthe for the whole of the Afrotropical Region. It describes in detail ail one hundred and sixty two known species, and these are fully illustrated in colour. In addition to the adult butterfly, ail of which are illustrated full size, early stages of some one hundred and sixty species and sub-species are also depicted in colour and are fully described. There are numerous line drawings showing the diagnostic characteristics of the caterpillers. All the male genitalia of the morphologically similar etheocles species group are illustrated, as well as numerous colour photographs of the typical habitats of the butterfly in the wild. There are in excess of seven hundred and fifty colour illustrations. Keys to all the species and all the higher groups are provided. The final section of the book is made up of a synoptic list of all the Charaxinae species, a foodplant list and a list of species for every country in the Afrotropical region. Three new species and sixteen subspecies are also described for the first time. These new species and sub-species descriptions are by the author and by the other foremost authorities on the Charaxinae, Dr J. Plantrou, S.C. Collins, B. Turlin and Dr J. Guy-Canu. This definitive and monumental work will be an indispensible guide for the scientist as well for other interested naturalists.