The Ila-Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia by Smith, Edwin William (2 vols)
Macmillan, 1920
Hardback | 422 pages & 433 pages (2 vols)
Reviews the book, The Ila-speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia by Rev. Edwin W. Smith and Captain Andrew Murray Dale (1920). The reviewer describes the book as one of the most complete descriptions of the nature and the life, physical, mental, and social, of a tribe of primitive man ever published; it is the world's largest contribution thus far to the psychology of the savage's mind. Such an ethnographic report, when done so scientifically and with so great a wealth of detail in all directions as is this one, has a particular interest and even a potential value for the psychiatrist and the "psychopathologist" in that it demonstrates anew the unity of mind, the practical identity everywhere of human mind especially.