Variation, culture, and evolution in African populations: Papers in honour of Dr. Hertha de Villiers
ISBN : 9780854948734
Witwatersrand University Press | 01 January 1986
Hardback | 258
Dust cover has a slight tear
Although the origins of the indigenous populations of southern Africa had fascinated many scholars, much of the early work was subjective, amateurish and unsatisfactory, often producing more confusion than clarification. Among those few who "tried to straighten the record", Hertha de Villiers stands out as one of the inspired pioneers of objectivity, precision and due scientific process. This volume bears witness not only to the breadth of her interests, from pottery to posture, but also to the importance of inter-disciplinary research to which she paid more than mere lip service. In dedicating this volume to Dr Hertha de Villiers, her colleagues and friends hope to increase and promote our knowledge of African peoples and their origins, to which she dedicated her academic career.