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Combinatorial and Computational Geometry Edited by Jacob E. Goodman et.al
Come Together: Years of Gay Liberation by Aubrey Walter (Author)
Comfortable with Uncertainty by Pema Chodron (Author), Tami Simon (Reader)
Commanding Military Power : Organizing for Victory and Defeat on the Battlefield by Grauer, Ryan
Commando - Of Horses And Men by Deneys Reitz
Commentary on the Criminal Procedure Act (Du Toit) By Van der Merwe, SE
Commercial Law 4th edition by K Pillay and R Du Plesis
Commercial Law 6th ed by Chris Nagel
Commercializing Successful Biomedical Technologies: Basic Principles for the Development of Drugs, Diagnostics and Devices by Mehta, Shreefal S.
Communicate: Independent British Graphic Design Since the Sixties by Rick Poynor , David Crowley, Nico Macdonald, John O'Reilly
Communication in Medical Care : Interaction between Primary Care Physicians and Patients by Heritage, John
Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity by Etienne Wenger
Community Psychology: Analysis, Context & Action by Duncan, N et al
Community-driven Projects: Reflections on a Success Story by Phahlamohlaka, J.
Compact Oxford Dictionary & Thesaurus by Oxford Languages
Companies & Other Business Structures in SA by Davis et al
Companies Act 71 of 2008 & Regulations by Juta's Statutes Editors
Comparative Defamation and Privacy Law by Kenyon, Andrew T.
Comparative Handbook of Robots Law by by Alain Bensoussan (Editor), Jeremy Bensoussan (Editor), Bruno Bonnell (Preface), Mady Delvaux-Stehres (Preface)
Comparative Regional Integration : Governance and Legal Models by Closa, Carlos
Comparative Vocabularies of Bushman Languages by Bleek, D. F.
Comparing Tort and Crime: Learning from across and within Legal Systems by Dyson, Matthew
Compendium of key human rights documents of the African union
Competition Act 89 of 1998 & Rules by Juta's Statutes Editors
Competition Law and Economic Regulation: Addressing Market Power in South Africa by Jonathan Klaaren
Competition Policy and Intellectual Property in Today's Global Economy by Robert D. Anderson (Editor), Nuno Pires de Carvalho (Editor), Antony Taubman (Editor)
Competition Policy and Intellectual Property in Today's Global Economy by Robert D. Anderson, Nuno Pires de Carvalho, Elena Cima
Competition Policy by Motta, Massimo
Competition's New Clothes by L�v�que, Fran�ois
Complementarity in the Line of Fire by Nouwen, Sarah M. H.
Complete Defense To Queen Pawn Openings by Eric Schiller
Complete First Student's Book without Answers with CD-ROM by Brook-Hart, Guy