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Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11Th Rev
Concrete by Joachim Fisher
Conditionals by Nicholas Rescher
Confess by Coleen Hoover
Confessions of an English Opium Eater by De Quincey, T
Confessions: A Life of Failed Promises by A. N. Wilson (Author)
Conflicts in Conservation by Redpath, Stephen M.
Conflicts Over Land and Water in Africa edited by Bill Derman, Rie Odgaard & Espen Sjaastad
Confronting Inequality : The South African Crisis by Michael Nassen Smith
Confronting the corrupt : Accountability Now's battle against graft in SA by Paul Hoffman
Connected Lives: Families, Households, Health, and Care in South Africa by Nolwazi Mkhwanazi (Editor), Lenore Manderson (Editor)
Conquer Pain-The Natural Way by Chaitow, Leon
Consciencism by Kwame Nkrumah
Conscientious Objection : Resisting Militarized Society by Cinar, OEzgur Heval
Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering how the Brain Codes oue Thoughts by Dehaene, S
Consentability: Consent and its Limits by Kim, Nancy S.
Conservation Biology by Pullin, Andrew S.
Conserving Africa's Mega-Diversity in the Anthropocene : The Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park Story : Cromsigt, Joris P. G. M.
Consolidating Democracy: South Africa's Second Popular Election by Tom Lodge (Author)
Conspicuous Consumption in Africa by Posel, D & van Wyk, I
Constituent Imagination : Militant Investigations, Collective Theorization by Graeber, David
Constituting Democracy : Law, Globalism and South Africa's Political Reconstruction by Klug, Heinz
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 Edited by Juta Pocket Statutes
Constitutional Courts as Mediators : Armed Conflict, Civil-Military Relations, and the Rule of Law in Latin America : Rios-Figueroa, Julio
Constitutional Courts as Positive Legislators: A Comparative Law Study by Brewer-Carias, Allan R.
Constitutionalizing Economic Globalization : Investment Rules and Democracy's Promise : Schneiderman, David
Constructing a Good Dissertation by Erik Hofstee
Constructing Authorities : Reason, Politics and Interpretation in Kant's Philosophy by O'Neill, Onora
Constructing Crisis by Spector, Bert
Construction Materials for Civil Engineering by Amsterdam, Errol Van
Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy by. Paul Peter, and Jerry C. Olson