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Industrialisation and Trade Union Organization in South Africa, 1924-55 The Rise and Fall of the South African Trades and Labour Council by Jon Lewis
Inequality and the Labyrinths of Democracy by Goran Therborn (Author)
Inequality Studies from the Global South by Edward Webster
Inferno by Dante Aleghieri
Infinite Jest by David Foster
Informal Logic: A Pragmatic Approach by Douglas Walton (Author)
Informal Settlements: A Perpetual Challenge? 1st Edition by Marie Huchzermeyer (Editor), Aly Karam (Editor)
Information and Communications Technology Law 3rd Ed by DP van der Merwe
Ingrid Jonker: Beeld Van 'n Digterslewe by P.M. Metelerkamp
Inner Drives by Pamela Jaye Smith (Author)
Inner Tantric Yoga : Working with the Universal Shakti: Secrets of Mantras, Deities and Meditation By David Frawley
Innovation and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas: First International Conference, InterSol 2017 and Sixth Collogue National sur la ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 204) by (Editor), Assane Gueye
Innovation and the Rise of the Tunnelling Industry by West, Graham
Innovations in Sustainability by Marcus, Alfred A.
Input-Output Analysis : Foundations and Extensions by Miller, Ronald E.
Insect Diversity Conservation by Samways, Michael J.
Insect Ecology by Price, Peter W.
Insecure Spaces : Peacekeeping, Power and Performance in Haiti, Kosovo and Liberia by Henry, Doctor Marsha
Inside African Anthropology by Bank, Andrew
Inside and Out by Cronin, Jeremy
Inside Book Publishing by Giles Clark & Angus Phillips
Inside Job by CHARLES FERGUSON (Artist)
Inside Rebellion The Politics of Insurgent Violence by Jeremy M. Weinstein
Inside the Mind of the Shopper by Herb Sorenson
Inside the Neolithic Mind: Consciousn By (author) David Lewis-Williams
Institutional Economics: An Introduction by Stefan Voigt (Author)
Institutions and Democracy in Africa: How the Rules of the Game Shape Political Developments by
Institutions and Ethnic Politics in Africa by Daniel N. Posner (Author)
Institutions, Property Rights, and Economic Growth: The Legacy of Douglass North by Galiani, Sebastian
Insurance and Behavioral Economics by Kunreuther, Howard C.
Insurance in Elizabethan England by Rossi, Guido
Insurance Risk and Ruin by Dickson, David C. M.