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Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies: National Styles and Strategic Cultures by Beatrice Heuser (Editor), Eitan Shamir (Editor)
Insurgent Empire : Anticolonial Resistance and British Dissent by Priyamvada Gopal
Insurgent Empire: Anticolonial Resistance and British Dissent by Priyamvada Gopal (Author)
Integral Research and Innovation : Transforming Enterprise and Society by Ronnie Lessem
Integrated Frequency Synthesizers for Wireless Systems by Lacaita, Andrea Leonardo
Integrated marketing communication by N. Van Heerden et.al
Integrated Pest Management : Concepts, Tactics, Strategies and Case Studies : Radcliffe, Edward B.
Integration-Ready Architecture and Design : Software Engineering with XML, Java, .NET, Wireless, Speech, and Knowledge Technologies by Jeff Zhuk
Intelligence Isn't Enough : A Black Professional's Guide to Thriving in the Workplace by Carice Anderson
Intelligence Power in Peace and War by Michael Herman (Author)
Interaction Design : Beyond Human-Computer Interaction by Sharp, Helen
Interactions across Englishes: Linguistic Choices in Local and International Contact Situations (Studies in English Language) by Meierkord, Christiane
Interactive Storytelling: 10th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2017 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, November 14-17, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10690) by (Editor), Ian Oakley
Intermediate Macroeconomics by Angus Chu (Author), Guido Cozzi (Author)
Intermediate Microeconomics by Varian
International Aid and the Making of a Better World : Reflexive Practice by Eyben, Rosalind
International Approaches to Governing Ethnic Diversity by Boulden, Jane
International Brigade Against Apartheid : Secrets of the War that Liberated South Africa by Ronnie Kasrils
International Business Strategy: Rethinking the Foundations of Global Corporate Success by Alain Verbeke (Author), I. H. Ian Lee (Author)
International Commercial Contracts by Giuditta Cordero-Moss
International Copyright : Principles, Law and Practice by Goldstein, Paul
International Criminal Law Practitioner Library: Volume 3 by Gideon Boas (Author), James L. Bischoff (Author), Natalie L. Reid (Author), B. Don Taylor III (Author)
International Dispute Settlement : Merrills, J. G.
International Economics and Business by Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd
International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a Global Venture Third Edition by Robert D. Hisrich
International Financial Management (5th Edition) Jeff Madura/Roland Fox
International Financial Management 6th Edition by Jeff Madura (Author), Roland Fox (Author)
International Financial Management by Bekaert, Geert
International Financial Management by Madura & Fox
International Financial Reporting & Analysis By Carien van Mourik
International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook (CFA Institute Investment Series) by Thomas R. Robinson
International Financial Statement Analysis, Fourth Edition (CFA Institute Investment Series) by T R Robinson