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A Girl Among the Anarchists by Isabel Meredith (Author)
A Guide to Emissions Trading by Cyriel de Jong (Author, Editor), Kasper Walet (Editor)
A Lion for Love: A Critical Biography of Stendhal by Robert Alter (Author), Carol Cosman
Abnormal Psychology by David H. Barlow (Author), V. Mark Durand (Author)
An Introduction to Theories of Personality by Hergenhahn B (Author)
Ancient Egyptians by Anton Gill (Author)
Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time by Tomas Björk
Art and War: 20th Century Warfare As Depicted by War Artists by M. R. D. Foot (Author)
Birth: The Conspiracy to Stop the '94 Election by Peter Harris (Author)
Business Ethics PNIE by Manuel Velasquez (Author)
Crossing Boundaries by John A. McCarthy (Author)
Dangerous Liaisons by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos (Author), Helen Constantine
Design, Measurement and Management of Large-Scale IP Networks by Antonio Nucci (Author), Konstantina Papagiannaki (Author)
Dreaming and Storytelling by Bert O. States (Author)
Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping Our Future by Ashlee Vance (Author)
Entrepreneurship: Theory in Practice 2nd ed
Environmental Economics and Management Theory by Scott Callan & Janet M. Thomas
Forging Democracy from Below by Elisabeth Jean Wood, Yale University, Connecticut
Framework for Marketing Management by Philip Kotler (Author), Kevin Lane Keller (Author)
Guide to Business Planning (The Economist Series) by Graham Friend (Author), Stefan Zehle (Author)
Guns, germs and steel by Diamond Jared
Heard on the Street: Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews by Timothy Falcon Crack
In the Romantic Style by Laura Cerwinske (Author), Linda Chase (Author)
Intimate Commerce by Victoria Wohl (Author)
Italian in a Click by Clelia Boscolo (Author)
Journey Continued: An Autobiography by Alan Paton (Author)
Julian Assange by Julian Assange (Author)
Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult (Author)
Mantis Edition of Southern African Poets 7 and 8
Master and God by Lindsey Davis (Author)
Multiwavelength Optical Networks by Thomas E. Stern (Author), Georgios Ellinas (Author), Krishna Bala (Author)