Ancient Egyptians by Anton Gill (Author)

Ancient Egyptians by Anton Gill (Author)

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ISBN: 9780007143993

This title is based on a series revealing what life was really like in Ancient Egypt. Channel 4/ Learning Channel's #6 million series sees Wall-to-Wall TV team up with the company that did the special effects on Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" to produce a series which was four years in the making. The combination of drama, graphics and cutting-edge research will be reflected in a beautiful book with original C.G.I. images created specially for the book. As well as forming a stand-alone guide to Ancient Egypt, the book also focuses on four very specific stories that give a full flavour of what daily life was like then. It also goes behind the scenes to show how the series was made and the revelations about Ancient Egypt that came to light through this. Full colour spreads depict the 137 sets and locations and reflect the scope of the production - including the 200 extras and over 1000 costumes that were used.