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Planet on Fire: A Manifesto for the Age of Environmental Breakdown
Planetary Geoscience by Harry Y. McSween Jr (Author), Jeffrey E. Moersch (Author), Devon M. Burr (Author), William M. Dunne (Author), Joshua P. Emery (Author), Linda C. Kah (Author), Molly C. McCanta (Author)
Plant Breeding and Biotechnology by Murphy, Denis
Plants at the Margin by Crawford, R. M. M.
Plasticity and Geomechanics by Davis, R. O.
Plasticity, Robustness, Development and Evolution by Bateson, Patrick
Plato on the Metaphysical Foundation of Meaning and Truth by Hestir, Blake E.
Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship by Garry L. Landreth (Author)
Play, Learning, and Children's Development : Everyday Life in Families and Transition to School by Hedegaard, Mariane
Playing in the Light by Zoe Wicomb
Playing the Changes: Jazz at an African University and on the Road by Darius Brubeck
Playing with History : The Historical Approach to Musical Performance by Butt, John
Plays Pleasant by George Bernard Shaw
Please, take photographs by Sindiwe Magona
Please, Take Photographs by Sindiwe Magona
Pleasure by Nthikeng Mohlele
Plotinus: The Enneads by Lloyd P. Gerson
Plowshares into Swords: From Zionism to Israel by Arno J. Mayer
Plunder by Antjie Krog
Pneumatic application by Werner Deppert
Pocket Guide to the American Board of Emergency Medicine In-Training Exam by Bob Cambridge (Editor)
Poems - Deep and Dangerous by Josephine Phillips
Poetic Principles and Practice by Lloyd Austin (Author)
Policing the Planet: Why the Policing Crisis Led to Black Lives Matter by Jordan T. Camp (Editor), Christina Heatherton (Editor)
Policy and Performance in American Higher Education: An Examination of Cases across State Systems by Jr., Richard Richardson
Political and Legal Transformations of an Indonesian Polity: The Nagari from Colonisation to Decentralisation by Benda-Beckmann, Franz Von
Political Identity and Conflict in Central Angola, 1975-2002 by Pearce, Justin
Political Ideology in the Arab World : Accommodation and Transformation by Browers, Michaelle L.
Political Leadership in Africa by Carbone, Giovanni
Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalisation of Democracy by Francis Fukuyama
Political Parties in Africa by Elischer, Sebastian
Political Philosophy: What It Is and Why It Matters by Beiner, Ronald