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Power in Action : Democracy, citizenship and social justice by Steven Friedman
Power of Babel: Language and Governance in the African Experience by Ali A. Mazrui (Author), Alamin Mazrui (Author)
Power System Analysis and Design by Duncan Glover
Power, Marginality and African Oral Literature by (Editor), Liz Gunner
Power, Marginality and African Oral Literature by Graham Furness and Liz Gunner
Power, Politics, and Paranoia : Why People are Suspicious of their Leaders by Prooijen, Jan-Willem van
Practical Anatomy: The Human Body Dissected by Allan, J & Kieser, J
Practical Clinical Oncology by by Louise Hanna (Editor), Tom Crosby (Editor), Fergus Macbeth (Editor)
Practical Cryptography by Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier
Practical Ethics by Singer, Peter
Practical Guilt : Moral Dilemmas, Emotions, and Social Norms by Greenspan, P. S.
Practical Reliability Engineering, 5th Edition 5th Edition by Patrick P. O'Connor (Author), Andre Kleyner (Author)
Practical Research: Planning and Design by Ormrod Leedy
Practice of Business and Social Research
Practising Learning and Development in South African Organisations 4th Edition by Melinde Coetzee
Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus
Predator Politics : Mabuza, Fred Daniel and the Great Land Scam by Rossouw, Rehana
Prediction of Turbulent Flows by Hewitt, Geoff
Prediction, Learning, and Games by Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi (Author), Gabor Lugosi (Author)
Prehistoric Europe : An Illustrated History by Barry Cunliffe (editor)
Prendergast in Italy by Nancy Mowll Matthews (Editor), Elizabeth Kennedy (Editor)
Prescott'S Microbiology by Joanne Willey, Linda Sherwood
Prescriber's Guide: Antipsychotics by Stahl, Stephen M.
Prescriber's Guide: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology 5th Edition by Stephen M. Stahl (Author), Nancy Muntner (Illustrator), Meghan M. Grady (Assistant)
Prescriber's Guide: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology by by Stephen M. Stahl (Author)
Prescription: Ice Cream by Alastair McAlpine
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Primate Research and Conservation in the Anthropocene by Behie, Alison M.
Primer of Genetic Analysis : A Problems Approach by James N. Jr Thompson
Prince of Putters: Bobby Locke: Banned for his Birdies? by Grant Winter
Principle- based lessons from King David's shadow by Basil B. Mugwena
Principled Negotiation and Mediation in the International Arena : Talking with Evil by Zwier, Paul J.