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Political Protest in Contemporary Africa by Mueller, Lisa
Political Theory and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by Ivison, Duncan
Politics & Community-Based Research by Benit-Gbaffou, C et al eds
Politics of Heritage in Africa African Edition by Peterson, Derek
Pollinators, Predators & Parasites by Clarke Scholtz (Author), Jenny Scholtz (Author)
Pope Benedict XVI's Legal Thought : A Dialogue on the Foundation of Law by Cartabia, Marta
Popular Fiction by Women 1660-1730 by Paula R. Backscheider (Editor), John J. Richetti (Editor)
Popular Politics in the History of South Africa, 1400-1948 by Landau, Paul S.
Popular Politics in the History of South Africa, 1400-1948 by Landau, Paul Stuart
Portfolio Magazine, Contemporary Photography in Britain, Issue 48
Portfolio Management under Stress by Rebonato, Riccardo
Portrait of a Lady (The ^AWorld's Classics) by Henry James
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce, J
Portrait with Keys by Vladislavic, I
Portuguese in South-East Africa, 1488-1600 By Eric Axelson
Positions: Contemporary artists in South Africa By Matthew Krouse
Post Office By Charles Bukowski
Post-colonial Literature of Lusophone Africa by Patrick Chabal (Editor)
Post-Communist Transitional Justice by Stan, Lavinia
Post-Qualifying Mental Health Social Work Practice : by Campbell, Jim
Postcapitalist Desire: The Final Lectures by Mark Fisher
Postcolonial Perspectives on Latin American and Lusophone Cultures by Robin Fiddian (Editor)
Postgraduate Supervision: Future Foci for the Knowledge Society by Magda Fourie-Malherbe (Author), Ruth Albertyn (Editor), Eli Bitzer (Editor), Claire Aitchison (Editor)
Posttranslational Modification of Proteins by Walsh, Christopher
Poverty and Morality : Religious and Secular Perspectives by Galston, William A.
Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean : Trends, Policies and Welfare Prospects in the New Millennium by Petmesidou, Maria
Poverty Knowledge in South Africa : A Social History of Human Science, 1855-2005 by Davie, Grace
Power and Faith by Pontsho Pilane
Power and Interdependence in Organizations by Tjosvold, Dean
Power and Resistance: Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Althusser by Yoshiyuki Sato
Power and the Vote by Min, Brian
Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design 3rd Edition by Ned Mohan , Tore M. Undeland