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The Cambridge History of Capitalism: Volume 1, The Rise of Capitalism: From Ancient Origins to 1848 by Neal, Larry
The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature 2 Volume Hardback Set by Chang, Kang-I Sun
The Cambridge History of Latin America : Bethell, Leslie
The Cambridge History of Latin America: Volume 9, Brazil since 1930 by Bethell, Leslie
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Volume 5. Romanticism by Marshall Brown
The Cambridge History of South Africa (Volume 2) by (Editor), Anne Kelk Mager
The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire c.500–1492
The Cambridge History of the Cold War by
The Cambridge History of the Cold War by Leffler, Melvyn P.
The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare by Geoffrey Parker (Editor)
The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium by Anthony Kaldellis (Editor), Niketas Siniossoglou (Editor)
The Cambridge Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Paperback with CD-ROM by Brian L. Webster (Author)
The cambridge Introduction to Chaucer by Alastair minnis
The Cambridge Introduction to J. M. Coetzee by Head, Dominic
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy by Cascardi, Anthony J.
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Psychoanalysis by Rabate, Jean-Michel
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The Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics by Singer, Peter A.
The Cambridge World History, Part 1, Structures, Spaces, and Boundary Making by McNeill, J. R.
The Cambridge World History: Volume 1, Introducing World History, to 10,000 BCE by Christian, David
The Cambridge World History: Volume 3, Early Cities in Comparative Perspective, 4000 BCE-1200 CE by Yoffee, Norman
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