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The Charterhouse of Parma by by Stendhal (Author), John Sturrock (Editor, Translator, Introduction)
The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande (Author)
The Chicago Architectural Club by Wilbert Hasbrouck
The Child's Right to Development by Peleg, Noam
The Children Of Men by P. D. James
The children's day by Michiel Heyns
The Choreography of Everyday Life By Annie-B Parson
The Chosen Place, the Timeless People, Marshall, P
The Christmas Swap by Talia Samuels (Author)
The City as a Work of Art: London, Paris, Vienna by Mr. Donald J. Olsen
The City Shaped by KOSTOF SPIRO
The Class of '79 by Janice Warman (Author)
The Classical Thermodynamics of Deformable Materials by McLellan, A. G.
The Climate Modelling Primer, 4th Edition by McGuffie
The Clinic and the Court : Law, Medicine and Anthropology by Harper, Ian
The Clozapine Handbook by Meyer, Jonathan M.
The Cobbler by Steve Madden
The Code of Capital : How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality by Katharina Pistor
The Codex of Justinian : A New Annotated Translation, with Parallel Latin and Greek Text
The Cold War : A Global History with Documents by Judge, Edward H.
The Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy
The Collected Poems of William Wordsworth
The Color of Water by James McBride
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare, W
The Coming Revolution by Floyd Shivambu, Janet Smith
The Common Law Constitution by John Laws
The Communist Horizon by Jodi Dean (Author)
The Communist Manifesto / The April Theses Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel
The Communist Manifesto : The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844; Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
The Communist Manifesto with The Condition of the Working Class in England, and Socialism Utopian and Scientific by Karl Marx