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The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States by Laird W. Bergad
The Compassionate Englishwoman by Robert Eales (Author)
The Complete Book of South African Birds by P. Ginn
The Complete Family Office Handbook by Kirby Rosplock (Author)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology by Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur (Author), Lisa Lenard (Author)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Reincarnation by David Hammerman (Author), Lisa Lenard (Author), & 1 more
The Complete Maus (vols 1 & 2) by Spiegelman, A
The Complete Metalsmith : Illustrated Handbook by McCreight, Tim
The Complete Odes and Epodes: with the Centennial Hymn by Horace
The Complete Poems by Walter Whitman
The Complete Poems of John Keats
The Complete Poems of Walt Whitman
The complete Roman Emperor : Imperial Life at Court and on Campaign by Michael Sommer
The complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer
The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict by Dinstein, Yoram
The Congo State: Or, The Growth Of Civilisation In Central Africa (Cambridge Library Collection - African Studies) by Demetrius Charles Boulger (Author)
The Conscience Wars by Susanna Mancini (Editor)
The Consequences of Social Movements by Bosi, Lorenzo
The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory (Author)
The Constitutional Protection of Private Property in China : Historical Evolution and Comparative Research by Wang, Chuanhui
The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe by D. G. Compton , Introduction by Jeff Vandermeer
The Contrarian by Max Chafkin (Author)
The Conversion : Death Cell Conversations of "Rooizak" and the Missionaries, Lydenburg 1875 by Peter Delius
The Corporate Revolutionary by David Williams
The Cosmic Hologram : In-formation at the Center of Creation
The Cosmos by Pasachoff, Jay M.
The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium by Jay M. Pasachoff
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Courage to Be by Paul Tillich (Author), Harvey Cox (Introduction)
The Coyaba Chronicles by Peter Abrahams
The Crab with the Golden Claws by Hergé (Author)